Building & Construction Industry

Building & Construction Industry

The construction industry plays a central role in societies in both developing and high economy countries. The construction sector, which accounts for 6% of global GDP, allows other businesses to develop and builds industrial and civil infrastructures. Technologies for the construction industry are becoming a mega trend with effects such as urban transformation and climate change.

In general, the construction industry has not undergone fundamental changes in the last 50 years, being slow to adopt new technologies and processes. Unlike almost all other industries, its productivity has not changed much. However, recently new digital technologies such as building information modeling (BIM), robotic systems, wireless sensing and 3D printing, Materials Used (Carbon reduction), infrastructure, productivity and other assets have begun to change the way they are designed and built. We are at your service with our dynamic Business modules and modules that will soon interest the sector in order to transfer all our experience we have gained and applied to you and to create value.