Electrical & Electronics & Energy Industry

Electrical & Electronics & Energy Industry

There is an existing and observable interaction between many technological innovations and developments in the field of energy. Many sectors integrate the developments in the field of energy into the sectors they are in and thus show a faster, technological development. With this integrated way of working, it is possible to say that the energy sector is both a horizontal and a vertical one and influences each other. It will be useful to state that the energy sector is the most important sector that provides inputs to the machinery, motor vehicle, health and chemistry sectors.


The changing and developing vision of the energy sector, the use of renewable and sustainable energy sources and regional development will be supported, and the institutions will have a say in the world market with their differences in the field of energy with the integrated modeling of national and domestic design R&D and production projects.


As AXIS Engineering Technology Academy expert team, we aim to create value, benefit and brand awareness for our business partners serving in different sectors with our business modules in line with this vision.